Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Success With Pizza Express

Last night I received a phone call from unknown number... It was Pizza Express calling to apologise for the bad service I recently received (see post no.2). I am getting vouchers as well as an apology - this is most excellent.
Therefore, I shall vernture back to Pizza Express to find out if the service has improved. I have been informed that 'steps have been taken' to ensure a pleasant dining experience.
We shall see!

Also, in todays news I have had a delicious sausage roll, and a cupcake! Tis a fabulous day for food.


  1. Awesome! I am excited about free pizza soon!

  2. Amazing, Megan, amazing. I am so proud of you. No meal tastes better than a free one.
    I sent a letter of complaint to Whiskas today. Lets hope they send me a replacement tin of Supermeat Chicken after I found plastic in there! Yes, I eat cat food now, with a bit of ketchup it's no worse than a kebab.
    (joke!) xx
